Tag Archives: mantra

Monday Motivation – Full Effort

Have a Marvelous Monday! Let’s do this! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.

“Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.” – Gandhi

For the past mile and half my legs were on the verge of seizing. My quads screamed from the previous 23 mile effort. I was a mile from my 6th marathon finish, and my goal time was in sight. All I needed to do was run the last mile without slowing down. My body was screaming at me to slow down and walk. My face was a picture of pain, and it felt like someone was punching me in the gut. I made the final turn, and could see the finish. I picked up the pace slightly, and my legs protested. Now my body and my mind were telling me to quit, just walk, it will ok. I would not relent. This was not just the finish of the race, but a finish of four months of training and sacrifice. As I crossed the line, I raised my hands in gratitude for being able to run such a distance.

I finished one minute over my original goal. It was still a huge PR, but most importantly, I knew I had given full effort. There is nothing worse than the feeling of doubt, knowing you could have done more. I know from experience. That voice in my head telling me to slow down has a won on some occasions. I only have my self to blame for my lack of effort.

When you fight through the resistance and push through the pain, there is no sweeter feeling. You are in full control of your life and actions. Instead of comparing your times and efforts to others, your only measure should be your own full effort. If you are giving all you have it is a victory, no matter what the result.

Monday Mantra – All Day Pace

Have a Marvelous Monday! Let’s do this! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Girl runningPlease share it below in the comments.

This week’s Mantra: All Day

Next time you are out for a long workout, and you doubt you can hold your pace, repeat to yourself, “I can do this all day”. My pace is my all day pace. When you start to feel tired, and want to slow down, you are at 50% of your true capacity. It’s your mind telling you to slow down, and not your body. Tell you mind to get comfortable, being uncomfortable, and I am holding this pace all day.

The All Day mantra brings you into the present. Instead on focusing on how much longer you have to go, you concentrate on the now. I use this mantra often. When I’m out for a 15 mile run, and at 10 miles, I start to doubt if I can finish those last five mile. I tell myself that I can go at this pace all day. My mind quiets down, and I stop obsessing over the remaining miles, and just keep working.

Kick in the Butt Monday – Easy Days

Merry Monday! Let’s do this! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.

Easy Day


The workouts that seem hard now, will soon be easy, if you keep training.  Maybe you can’t run a mile without stopping, or swim a 100M without be winded. Don’t give up, keep training, and soon your will be amazed by your progress.

I’m currently training for my fifth marathon. When I look back to the training for my first, it’s a night and day difference. My first 18 mile run ended in disaster. I had never run that far, and at mile 14 both of my calves seized, and my wife had to come pick me up.  That was a hard day for me. In my current training plan I have three 20 milers. I can complete them with little struggle. I still bring my phone, in case of disaster.

What workouts used to be difficult for you, that you can now complete with ease?

Monday Motivation – Don’t Just Think Act!

Merry Monday! Let’s do this! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.


Don’t just think, act!

I am personally guilty of not following this mantra. I will anylize and over think what I really want until it doesn’t happen. This self sabotage is counter productive and borders on insanity. I don’t know if its fear of success or failure that causes this indecision. When I break this pattern and get into action, I feel better, and my life improves. I am in a constant battle with this resistance.

I know I’m not the only one. What thing in your life are you putting off, and over thinking? I’m not talking about putting off the laundry or getting your car inspected. What is it you really want, that you can act on now! Fear hates action. Take that first step toward what you want now, and the path will open. You have to take action right now, or the resistance will pull you back into indecision.

Let’s tie this into triathlon. If you goal is to complete your first race. Sign up for a race now. Are you an terrible swimmer? Sign up for a swim lesson. Don’t have a bike. Ask a couple friends, if they have one to lend. Most problems are caused by lack of resourcefulness, not lack of resources. Fight the resistance, act now, and take that first step.

Monday Mantra – “This is What I DO!”

Happy Monday! Let’s do this! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.

This week’s Mantra:

“This is What I DO!”


I heard this mantra on a podcast over the weekend, and it resonated with me. When racing or training gets really difficult, and you want to quit, remind yourself, “This is what I do!” You decided to take on this challenge, because it’s who you are. The pursuit of this goal is part of your identity, and this is where you are supposed to be right now. It’s a great mantra to bring you back to the present, and trust your training.

Some Examples:

You’re out for a 10 mile run, and it starts pouring rain two miles in. You could turn around or you can finish the run, because “This is What You DO”

Life throws a sick child, extra work, and terrible weather at you, but you still get in your weekly training, because “This is What You DO!”

At your “A” race of the season, you are on PR pace, but starting to fade. You can slow down or you can power though. Remember all of the training and effort you put into this race. You are crushing this race, because “This is What You Do”

I run, because “This is What I Do”.

I ride, because “This is What I Do”.

I swim, because “This is What I Do”.

I succeed, because “This is What I Do”.

Monday Mantra – The Secret to Your Happiness

Happy Monday! Let’s do this! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.

Today’s Mantra:

“No one is useless in this world that lightens the burden of another” – Dickens

* This is a self promotional post, but for a great cause.

A few years ago I started a holiday charity called Merry Spinmas with my triathlon team. (STC Multisport) The mission of Merry Spinmas is to provide bikes for Christmas to deserving children in our community. We raise funds from the endurance racing community, and deliver the children a brand new bike, helmet, and lock.

This has been one of the most rewarding activities in my life. Every year I look forward to the program, even though it means a couple of months for really hard work, and lots of begging for money. I know a bike will most likely not dramatically change the life of these children, but it could be a step in a new direction.

When I was a child a loved my bike. It represented freedom to explore under my own power with my friends. Most days we would come home, throw our book bags inside, and head out on our bikes until it got dark. Not much has changed as an adult. I still love to explore on my bike under my own power with my riding buddies. Now it is more of an inner exploration, as I push to new distances and times, but the feeling is the same. I want to help provide that feeling to a child, who may not have that opportunity.

One of my favorite moments from doing this holiday drive involves a seven year boy named Tyreese. Tyreese requested a Disney’s Cars bike from our program. We found the perfect red Car’s bike in his size, but it had training wheels. When we delivered the bikes, Tyreese rode around for a few minutes slowly with his training wheels, then he shyly asked if we could take them off. Once the training wheels were off, he was shot out of a canon. Flying around the parking lot, a huge smile on his face. He fully embraced the feeling of freedom.

Enough about me. This post is about giving. It feels good to give. If you want to feel better in your life, go and do something for someone with no expectation of return. It doesn’t have to be money, it can be time or a favor, or just saying some kind words of encouragement.

If you really want to feel fulfilled, you have to give until is hurts. We do a great job of making it easy to give. Just text this number to donate, or do you have a couple of bucks to throw in the bucket? These are great ways to help quickly, but you aren’t really invested in the cause. You need some skin in the game. Go and set a big fundraising goal, or go and work with a cause you are passionate about. This is when you will feel the most engaged, make the largest impact, and feel great. It’s ok to feel good about yourself for doing great things for others.

Below is a great video with Tony Robbins that shows how one small act of kindness today, can lead to massive change in the future.

If you would like to read more about Merry Spinmas, or donate, for info can be found here.

Monday Mantra – Travelling Well

Happy Monday! Let’s do this! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.

Travel Well

“It is better to travel well, than arrive” – Buddha

For me, this quote takes “life is a journey” to a new level. If that journey is pursued with the same passion as the goal, then the journey is more important.

If Buddha was an endurance athlete, he would say;

“It is better to train and race well, than PR”

Let’s take a marathon for an example. You train for 20 weeks for a one day event, in hopes of setting a PR. Race day comes and you were sick the week before, the weather sucks, and you don’t PR. Was all of that training for nothing? Not if you trained with purpose, and enjoyed the process. Think back to all of those long runs spend in the fresh air increasing your well being. You persevered when your legs were screaming to stop on the way to a new distance. Every time you head out the door to train with purpose, you are travelling well.

Monday Mantra – The First Step to Being Great

Happy Monday! Let’s do this! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.

This week’s quote:

“You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.”

Great to start

Do you want to be great at something? Well, get started doing that thing. It’s often scary and uncomfortable to try new things. So, what? Everyone struggles when they start a new challenge. But, isn’t that when you feel most alive? New challenges force you to grow physically, mentally, and emotionally. As humans, we thrive when we are growing, and learning new things. Don’t let the fear of not being great at first keep you from taking on new challenges. Just get started, and if you love what you are doing, you will become great.

Monday Mantra – The What, When & Where of Starting

Merry Monday! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.

Today’s quote is from T. Roosevelt:

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”

Stop- Start

Teddy was a straight to the point guy. I love this quote. It’s about starting something now, and not waiting until everything lines up. It’s easy to push our dreams off to some magical time in the future. I will start on X, as soon as I have the time, the money, the energy, the education. The problem is unless you get to work on your dream and build some momentum, those excuses aren’t going to change. Don’t wait for the planets to align. Start now with the resources you already have.

Is there anything you have been waiting from the perfect time to start? Today is a great day to take a small step in that direction.

Below is a great TED talk from Tony Robbins that digs deeper into this topic.

photo credit: Rich Anderson via photopin cc

Monday Mantra – Mindset

Happy Monday! We all could use a bit of motivation to get rolling on Monday. On Mondays, I like to share a Mantra or short inspirational message. If the message resonates with you, use to motivate yourself in training or life. Do you have your own awesome Mantra? Please share it below in the comments.

“My Mindset Determines My Potential”



Continue reading Monday Mantra – Mindset